V2 Chapter 148: The Unveiled Power

The Light God, Riosvaldor. The moment his name was uttered, the Kei of Shikibu explosively intensified. It was immensely vast, heavy, and chilling to the core, a solemn and awe-inspiring force of Kei. Yet, the power that manifested outwardly was almost imperceptible. If Sora’s Kei earlier was like a gentle breeze, Shikibu’s was like the…

V2 Chapter 147: Disenchantment

As Sora unsheathed his soul equipment, what the flag bearers felt was not a ravaging storm, but a gentle breeze, reminiscent of a fragrant wind. There was no splitting of the earth, nor creaking of the atmosphere, only the sound of a quiet, clear wind accompanying the unsheathing. Yet, the immense and rough pressure of…

V2 Chapter 146: Alone

“It’s unwise, My Lord! Engaging in conversation with such a fool is eccentric enough, let alone crossing swords with him. It is far too reckless for the head of the Mitsurugi family!” In the deathly quiet grand hall, the words of protest from Shito Gilmore Berch echoed. I thought Gilmore would welcome the idea of…

V2 Chapter 144: “A Smile”

At the moment the pressure of Kei dissipated, Gozu Seema had to resist the reflex to drop his hand onto the tatami. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and heavy breaths escaped his lips. As the Shiba of the Mitsurugi family and the Third Rank of the First Banner, Gozu was severely drained by…

V2 Chapter 143: Sora VS Ragna

“Why won’t you draw your Soul Equipment?” After several exchanges of blows, Zenon Quintos, holding his Void Armor, asked with a piercing gaze. In response, I shrugged my shoulders lightly. “It’s funny you say that when you’re the one maneuvering to prevent me from drawing my Soul Equipment.” “Nonsense. It’s clear to me that you’re…

V2 Chapter 142: Halberd

“What are you so afraid of, Ragna?” Ragna had once been asked this by Sora. It was when Sora, who had returned to Shuuto for their biological mother’s grave visit, was suspected by Ragna of colluding with enemies who attacked the city that day. Even when Sora denied any connection with the enemies, Ragna, unconvinced,…

V2 Chapter 141: The Source of Hostility

“Lucius!” Hearing Lucius’s agonized cry as he received Sora’s punch, Zenon moved to assist his son. But Sora didn’t wait passively for an interruption. Concentrating Kei in his legs, he quickly spun around and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Lucius’s side. “—!” Lucius couldn’t even scream this time. Struck from the side with such…

V2 Chapter 139: Joy

“How do you intend to proceed, young master?” asked Zenon Quintos, hastening to catch up with Ragna, who was leading the way out of the grand hall. His voice was subdued. Lucius, following behind Zenon, looked at Ragna with concern. Ragna, walking through the corridors of the Mitsurugi residence with a stern expression, did not…